Saturday, 6 January 2007


Alors, j'ai fait ce qui je disais que je ne ferai pas jamais.... faire un "Blog" (Well, I've done just what I said I would never do...create a "Blog")
After much consideration, I've decided this will be the best way to keep everyone updated as to what is going on in my brand new (brand new to me... apparently its pretty old over there) Parisian world.
The nice thing about using a blog will be that we can chat and discuss things together (everyone- tout le monde) without cramming each other's inboxes with all of those lovely "reply to all" emails that so many of us just end up deleting anyway.... (no... I don't do that...)
Don't worry, most of the posts will be in English.... if not, consult your resident Frenchman/woman. (Most of you have one, suprisingly enough...)
Let me know if you want to communicate in a different way...
I love you all, and am already missing you, even though I am still here at home.

1 comment:

A Living Epistle said...

ummmmmm gurlllllll

we need to hang out before you leave!
