Monday, 21 May 2007

9 new albums...

COUCOU! 9 new albums up on Facebook! If you have facebook I strongly suggest you just look there... its a lot easier than to click on 9 different links. But here they are...

picture links:

Friday, 11 May 2007

A typical week.

This entry, as well, was originally in French. You can kind of tell that I got bored and lazy towards the end.

Okay. I will begin with a typical week:
Monday (lundi): Class at 9 h. Language and Grammar. Usually, I return to my place to make some lunch. I work a little, and maybe kick back or take a nap or something like that.
Tuesday (mardi): No classes! I sleep late, and eat lunch usually as my first meal because the French aren't big on breakfast and by the time I wake up I'm not in the mood to eat just bread like I usually do (I am going to miss 85 centime (cents) baguettes when I get back to the states... I can finish off a whole baguette in about two hours.). Depending on what I feel like doing, I might do some errands or visit some friends or something. I love Tuesdays.
Wednesday (mercredi): The worst! At 10 h, I have phonetics. That is the course with the professor who hates me. So basically I want to die for about 3 hours. Sometimes I play Sudoku on my computer while she isnt looking. Maybe thats why she hates me.... Anyway. I usually try to economise my Wednesdays by using my leftover baguette and going to Franprix (a supermarket) to buy some cheese and maybe fruit if I'm feeling lucky, and I'll make a sandwich. Those are always pretty good. That way I've now only paid about 3 E for breakfast AND lunch combined. THEN I use the leftover cheese to mix with my pasta for dinner later on... aren't you proud, mom? :) I spend time eating lunch and talking with friends in the courtyard at my university, which is beautiful. I fill up with coffee to keep myself awake until 5, because at 2 I have French history for 3 hours. I kind of had no choice but to talk myself into liking that class.
Thursday (jeudi): Grammar in the morning, until noon. Lunch, and maybe meeting up with a friend... or a nap... or a book... or something. Thursdays look very much like Mondays for me.
Friday (vendredi): Grammar in the morning, until noon. I get back to my dorm around 12:30 and eat lunch, although today I took myself out because all through grammar I was craving a salad. I hang out and do stuff like I am doing now (writing in my journal, editing photos, etc.) and relax until I go to Hillsong around 6:30. After, usually I go buy a crêpe from my crêpe vendeur friend. I think I talked about him earlier. If I didn't I will later.
Saturday (samedi): In general I try to spend a little time with my friends from the foyer (dorm) on Saturdays, though most know I am a late sleeper so depending on how late I get up and whatever else I have to do it may or may not fall into my schedule. I usually end up doing laundry at some point. Laundry in France is ridiculously expensive, by the way. Around 6 I go hang out with my friends from Hillsong until who knows when or whenever I have to be back to the dorm before I get locked out, whichever comes first.
Sunday (dimanche): I usually go to Leigh's for breakfast for what we call "connect group" (also a thing with Hillsong). We eat, have coffee, talk about random things both important and not, talk about the message at church on Friday, and pray. Its a great time because usually it is just girls and it is nice to have a small group here. Generally afterwards I end up studying because I've been putting it off all weekend. Pretty much just like home :)

Not all weeks are like this, but in general, thats what it looks like.

France VI-

France VII: Normandie-

France VIII: the family trip-Jen's version-

France IX- the family's trip- my version

COMING SOON...Sète with Sandrine's parents, London, Hillsong life... I'm working on it!

may the grace and peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you...

Thursday, 10 May 2007

My first days here

This entry is in my journal, and was originally in French. I am translating it as I put it up on my blog, so I guarantee the grammar is not going to be great.

I arrived in Paris the 20th of Feburary It was interesting because when I arrived, I reaslied that I could speak French at all. Well, I could a little, but certainly not very well.

It is interesting, the people and personalities that one meets... The first night I met a girl who later became one of my best frriends here. She is exactly like me. And the thing especially great was that she only wanted to speak in French. how great! Some who I met during the first week, I spoke with frequently, but it is strange how life i the city works... there are some of those who I never see anymore! Also, there are some who aren't very friendly either. Its unfortunate.

I think my first weekend was a little weird. I thought about going to Hillsong, but there were also those Americans who were going to the Louvre. I was torn and had no idea which to chose. I changed my mind at least ten times about what to do. At last, I decided to go to the Louvre with the other American students. There were some people who were really nice and friendly but unfortunately I chose to spend the time with those who were incredibly exclusive. Oops. I spend a lonely night at the museum, wishing I had made the decision to go to Hillsong. But, God is good, and he works with his own plan, right?

I loved my classes. I at first hated my classmates. But, as most things go, after some days, I'm used to them and am amused by them. Especially, I love my grammar teacher. She is like a grandmother, adn I want to but her in my pocket and take her back to Richmond with me. I was at first terrified of my French History teacher, if anyone says anything wrong she mocks them for about ten minutes and you just about want to kill yourself. But I've discovered that if you go in with the expectation of feeling that way, you really just don't care and now I get a complete kick out of her. For some reason my phonetics teacher hates me. I haven't figured out why yet, considering I've practically already taken her course and know exactly what I'm doing... oh well. I've discovered it takes time to get used to people. I know that is an incredibly brilliant revelation that most people have when they are about 10, but hey, experience is everything.

But, I immediately felt at home when I met my new friends from Hillsong. Yes. I adore my friends there. The first night that I went there, that was interesting! First, I left late (of course). And next, I became incredibly lost in the neighbourhood. The neighbourhood in which this place is located is impossible to navigate at night because everything looks the same. I was onlly late by 10 minutes, but to me it felt like hours. Someone welcomed me and I was scared. I don't know why, all I remember is feeling increidlby nervous. The first thing that I remember is hearing the music... it touched me somewhere in my heart that made me start to cry... I had to find a place to sit and I waited in sadness and in hope. The music made me feel like I was at church at home, at Harvest. When I entered the room full of people, I was surprised... there were at least 200 people there. I didn't even know that there were that many Christians in France, not to mention Paris! It was awesome! The service was amazing, and I cried for most of it... because, see, it was the first time that I had felt the Holy Spritit since I had arrived. It had been a long time.
As a result, I started my true life in paris. Now, I have many friends... French, English, Americans, German, Australians, Kiwis (New Zealanders), Ethiopian, Colombian... its amazing...yes... its amazing. The next day I went to my first party. A party with my new friends. It was an awesome night- because, I was comfortable with these people there. And even better I was speaking French almost fluently. ALMOST. The Sunday after, I went to my friend Leigh (Kiwi) house to have discussion, breakfast, and some prayer. I loved it!

So. That, that is the story of the first week in Paris....

Wednesday, 9 May 2007


Finally, I have put pictures up online! They aren't ALL up yet, but I'm getting there- at least I am making some progress!!! If you have facebook, you can look me up under Kimberly Nichole Orlando and get them there. Otherwise, here are the links!

I know its a lot and its annoying to look them all up differently... but its more annoying for me to have to put them up on two different websites :) Also, don't forget if you can't get the links fromyour email try the links that are in my blog:

France I-
France II-
France III-
France IV-
France V-

love you all! enjoy!

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may
overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit."
~Romans 15:13